Enzymes Are the Key to Healthy Digestion

It has long been thought that dairy and gluten digestive support are important in the relief of bloating or gas problems. However, the definition of what is “what you eat” is also halfway true. In other words, are digestive enzymes important to proper intestinal health, digestive function, and full-body nutrition?

Digestive enzymes exist in proteins. All living things, plants, and animals contain proteins. The word protein itself is a term used to describe amino acids, which combine to make a complete protein. There are two types of protein: non-essential and essential. While essential proteins are needed by all living things for growth and development, non-essential proteins are needed by some plant and animal tissues for growth and development only.

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes exist in small amounts in most people, especially those who have strong diets rich in meat and dairy products. When digesting protein, these nutrients work with digestive enzymes to break it down into simpler compounds that can be digested and absorbed. Therefore, a diet rich in animal protein can sometimes be bad for the digestive system. Animal proteins tend to be high in fat, and excess fat in the digestive system can hinder proper gut health and cause bloating and gas.

Enzymes produced by the liver and pancreas

Also, enzymes produced by the liver and pancreas help break down and metabolize proteins. A person’s ability to digest foods adequately and absorb nutrients from them is influenced by the presence of pancreatic enzymes, which are produced by this organ. The presence of pancreatic enzymes in the body leads to improved digestion. However, the pancreas itself does not produce pancreatic enzymes, and enzyme deficiencies in this organ may contribute to diabetes.

These enzymes are needed to break down the types of fats we ingest, including cholesterol and triglycerides. Dehydration and toxins can also dehydrate us, making it more difficult to process fats and proteins properly. Excessive dehydration can make it hard for the cells in our digestive system to function as they should, contributing to weight gain and the development of many different illnesses. By consuming healthy fluids regularly and eliminating liquids containing carbohydrates and fats while exercising regularly, you can improve your ability to process foods and reduce your risk of developing health complications caused by water retention and toxins.


Fats are divided into three basic categories, which derive from their chemical makeup: saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are commonly referred to as “bad fats,” since they add calories to your diet without providing much nutrition. Polyunsaturated fats are considered good fats because they provide a reasonable amount of dietary nutrition. Unsaturated fats are called “good fats” because they provide an essential part of the body’s nutrition, as well as some other vitamins and minerals, but are not calorie-generating.

The two main categories of fats that digestive enzymes need to break down are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats; however, the digestive enzymes that break down these fats are also necessary for the proper digestion of proteins, which are one of the building blocks of muscle tissue.