How To Migrate From Shared To VPS Hosting?

7 Signs That It's Time to Switch to VPS Hosting

Shared hosting is a cost-efficient and reliable option for website hosting, especially for beginners or those with fewer website needs. However, upgrading to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) becomes essential as your website grows and demands more resources. 

If you manage to find the best VPS Hosting provider, it offers better performance, control, and scalability. Buy the VPS Server that will satisfy all your needs. 

In this article, we will discuss and guide you through migrating from shared to VPS Hosting.

Difference Between Shared Hosting and VPS Hosting

Understanding the difference between shared and VPS Hosting is essential before getting into the concept of migration. 

Shared hosting involves multiple users sharing the same server for different websites and their resources. This tends to slow down the performance during peak times or if neighbouring sites experience a surge in traffic. 

On the other hand, a VPS provides dedicated resources and a virtualised environment, ensuring better performance and control.

Understanding Migration

Migrating from shared to VPS Hosting involves moving your website’s files, databases, and configurations from a shared server to a VPS. It may seem daunting, but following the right steps can simplify the process.

Steps to Migrate from Shared to VPS

  1. Backup Your Website Data

First, you need to choose a good VPS Hosting in India. Before making any changes, create backups of your website files, databases, emails, and configurations. This procedure makes sure that you can restore your website on the Virtual Server if anything goes wrong during migration.

For “Files”

  1. Log in to the ‘Control Panel’
  2. Locate your files (Root Folder)
  3. Click on ‘Export’ option

Similarly, you back up all the other required documents. 

  1. Set Up Your VPS

Provision the best Windows VPS Hosting or for any other operating system (e.g., Linux) and a control panel (e.g., cPanel, Plesk) based on your familiarity and requirements.

  1. Transfer Website Files

Copy your website files from the shared hosting server to the VPS using a secure method like SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol). Ensure you transfer all files, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and media files.

  1. Export and Import Databases

Export your databases from the shared hosting server and import them into your VPS. Update the database configuration files to reflect the new database settings on the VPS.

  1. Update various settings

Modify your domain’s DNS settings to point to your new VPS IP address. This change ensures that users are directed to the VPS when they access your domain. 

Set up email accounts on your VPS, configure the email client, and migrate existing emails from the shared hosting server to the VPS. Update any settings or configurations that might have changed due to the migration, such as file paths or database connection details.

  1. Test the Website and Monitor VPS

Test your website on the VPS to ensure all functionalities work correctly. Address any issues or discrepancies that may have occurred during the migration. 

Monitor the VPS performance to ensure it meets your expectations and make any necessary optimisations.


Migrating from shared to VPS Hosting is a significant step towards enhancing your website’s performance and gaining more control over its environment. 

By carefully following the steps outlined in this guide, you can seamlessly transition your website to a VPS and enjoy the benefits of improved speed, reliability, and scalability for your growing online presence. 

Always back up your data and approach the migration process with a well-planned strategy for a successful transition. 

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