Wherever you are, the issue of nutrition is always relevant. In this article, we will tell you which supermarkets are most profitable to buy food, what you can bring with you and what you should try from the national cuisine.
What to try from the national cuisine
On your day off, you will want to visit the nearest major cities in Germany, see the sights, get acquainted with the culture. One of the best ways to feel the atmosphere is to try something from the national cuisine.
If you think that traditional German food is just sausages, beer, and boiled cabbage, then we will tell you what else is worth trying in Germany.
We advise you to order the cheese soup from the first dishes. The composition includes minced meat, mushrooms, potatoes, and processed cheese. Incredibly tasty and very satisfying. Germans have a healthy lifestyle and many of them choose to follow the Keto diet. Here are some healthy foods popular in Germany:
- Cheese Soup – For the second, it’s worth trying the icebahn. This dish is a pork hammer marinated in beer with spices and baked in the oven. Icebahn is served with potato salad or dumplings.
- Icebahn – For starters, take currywurst, a traditional sausage fried with ketchup and curry.
- Black Forest – And for dessert, you should try the Black Forest cake. It is composed of many layers, cherries, and chocolate.
Different ways to eat a healthy diet
Everyone defines their health and performance differently. For various ethical reasons, many people eat without certain products.
However, special diets also harbor dangers. We would like to show you the most common forms of nutrition. In some diets, sugar, fast food, and unhealthy foods are avoided. In principle, this can have positive effects on the body, and implementation can sometimes be difficult.
A healthy diet can help reduce the risk of cancer. A balanced and healthy meal plan, normal body weight, and little or no alcohol are essential. On this page, you will find many tips for a healthy diet.
Nutri score
The Nutri score on German food retailer packaging helps you shop healthier and eat better. The new labeling makes it possible to compare the nutritional quality of food at a glance. More and more producers are participating.
From autumn 2020, the new food labeling can be found on the front of food packaging. When shopping, Nutri-Score provides quick guidance on foods that are more likely to contribute to a balanced diet – at first glance.
A representative study has already shown in advance: Nutri-Score is the best of a total of four tested models of extended nutrition labeling: 57% of all consumers preferred it to three other models. The reason: the label is intuitive and easy to understand.
Nutri-Score uses a 5-point color scale from A to E, which was developed by independent scientists. It can be found on the front of the product packaging. The scale shows the nutritional quality of food: the energy content, as well as the nutritionally favorable and unfavorable nutrients, are offset against each other.
Nutri-Score makes it possible to compare products from a product group. Dark green is a more favorable, red E for a less favorable nutritional composition of the product. Specifically, this means: pizza with a yellow C is the more nutritionally favorable choice compared to pizza with an orange D.